Do You Want To Play In Spanish

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  2. Do You Want To Play In Spanish
  3. Spanish Translator

Distinguishing Between Preterite and Imperfect What you did vs What you were doing. The basic rule of thumb when it comes to figuring out which tense to use is that the preterite talks about things you did, and the imperfect talks about things you were doing at some point in time, or that you used to do. Translate Want to play. See 6 authoritative translations of Want to play in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations. Spanish verbs fall into different groups, and each group is conjugated a little differently. If you’re going to master Spanish verbs like jugar, you need to be able to identify which group a verb belongs to: regular (follows regular conjugation rules for -ar, -er, and -ir verbs), stem-changing (morphs depending on how you use it. Do you want to learn Spanish? Spanish is one the most spoken languages in the world. It is a great language for English speakers to learn, and if you begin w.

If you checked out what I wrote about how do you say “I love you” in Spanish you’ve seen the most common way to say “I love you” is te quiero. This can be confusing because if you know a little about Spanish you know the literal translation of te quiero is “I want you” not “I love you” since the root verb of quiero is querer and querer means “to want.” But even though the literal translation is “I want you” it is interpreted as “I love you.” So if you just have lust on your mind how do you say “I want you” the same way we say it in English meaning “I want you sexually”? Use the verb desear instead of querer.

What Game Do You Want To Play In Spanish

I want you. (sexually)
Te deseo.
teh deh-seh-oh.

The literal translation of te deseo is “I desire you.” The root verb desear means “to desire.” If you want to tell them that you want to kiss or have sex with them you would go back to using the regular verb for “want” querer. So…

I want to kiss you.
Te quiero besar.
teh kee-ehr-oh beh-sahr.

I want to have sex with you.
Quiero tener sexo contigo.
kee-ehr-oh teh-nehr sehk-soh kohn-tee-goh.

Technically you could use desear for the two phrases above and it would be understood but it’s not as common as you using querer. Also desear doesn’t have to mean anything lustful when you are using it in other circumstances. It kind of means “wish.” You could say this:

I desire (wish) to take Spanish classes.
Deseo tomar clases de español.
deh-seh-oh toh-mahr klah-sehs deh ehs-pahn-yohl.

Just don’t get te deseo and te quiero mixed up. When you want to tell someone “I want you” in a lustful, sexual way use te deseo. When you want to tell them “I love you” use te quiero instead.

Do You Want To Play In Spanish


By the way-

If you're a guy into Latinas check out this full step-by-step course specializing in hooking up with Latinas. You can read my review of it here.

Spanish Translator

Latin American Cupidis the most popular dating site for Latin America. You can read my review here.

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